Civil Rights
Excessive Use of Force by Police
If you were beaten during an arrest or physically abused by police for “giving them attitude,” our civil rights trial attorneys have the ability to make them pay. They have a long record of holding offices, departments, cities and counties accountable for unnecessary force or outright police brutality. Sanchez Hayes & Associates represents clients all over Georgia and throughout the South in cases involving excessive force and police brutality.
When the Police Go Too Far
Police are allowed to use reasonable physical force to apprehend and subdue a suspect. We get involved when officers use violence to punish, intimidate, coerce confessions or intentionally inflict pain. Mr. Hayes and his team have secured numerous settlements for victims of excessive force or police brutality. Our attorneys know the questions to ask regarding any use of force:
Did the officers follow procedure (e.g., no blows to the head)? Did they stop once the person was disabled and subdued?
The powerful electrical charge in stun guns can change heart rhythm and cause heart attacks. Was the Taser used because the person was merely verbally combative, or did the person pose an actual threat? How many times was the person shocked? Was it used after cuffs were on?
Why was the person sprayed? Was it intentionally sprayed into the mouth or nose at close range? Did officers let up when the citizen was in obvious respiratory distress?
Some departments forbid certain tactics, and some officers take things too far. Was the technique legal? Was it a violation of policy?

We examine whether an objective and reasonable officer in the same circumstances would have acted in the same way; whether the officer(s) followed departmental procedure and whether the suspect was even resisting arrest. Sanchez Hayes & Associates is committed to securing monetary damages for victims of excessive force and holding police to a high standard for when and how force is applied.
Contact us today for an initial case evaluation at (770) 692-5020 or email us at support@sanchezhayeslaw.com.